Sunday, September 25, 2011

Afternoon Garden Delights

Well so much for getting all my fall decorations up! Instead I spent the afternoon outside potting flowers. At least I got something accomplished! I guess I will just have to decorate tomorrow. In the mean time here are some photos of my handiwork outside...

I can't remember what these are called, but I love how colorful they are!
 Palm, Croton, & Kalanchoe
 Soon these will be edible lemons!
 I just bought these lovely yellow mums today!
 I love how bright and cheery they are! (Those are my dirty feet in the picture!)
 I love how the sunlight peaks through my trees in the beautiful.

 Do you keep a flower garden? Mine are all in pots because I am still renting, but someday I want a beautiful large garden to enjoy my afternoons in!


  1. *Gasp* You have a lemon tree?!?! I'm sooo jealous! I've always wanted one! I want more details about that!

    Your plants look wonderful! I had a flower bed... last fall I planted mums, they died. This summer I planted like 12 geraniums. They died. (Only 3 left and they are sad looking) I had two hibiscus trees/plants. One died. All I have left are some marigolds - which I'm convinced they only lived because marigolds are practially weeds. Thankfully I have one hibiscus tree left and it blooms pretty often. I've given up spending much on flowers since I kill them all. :(

  2. Haha...I'm pretty sure mums are annuals so it would be expected they die. Same with Geraniums. I had 3 Geraniums that bloomed all summer, and just died a couple of weeks ago...but I got them so cheap and they lasted so long I was was their time to go!
    My Hibiscus trees are not surviving this drought very well! Forgot to take pics of them because they are in my courtyard!
