Saturday, October 1, 2011

5 Years Wed!

Five years ago, today, I married my dear wonderful and crazy husband, Justin Meyers! It definitely doesn't feel like 5 years!  I still feel like a newly wed even after 5 years. I think that has to do with the fact that we don't have any children yet.  We have ups and downs, and the downs have only made us stronger.
I thought I would share a few of our wedding pictures as reminders of that fabulous day! I loved decorating/planning my wedding, and afterwards considered going into wedding planning since I loved it so much! I had a lovely outdoor wedding in Missouri. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day!
 Seeing each other for the first time before picture time!

 I know it is against tradition, but I was so happy we got pictures done first, and it was so romantic and peaceful walking around the grounds with just us and the photographer trailing behind us!

 Loved how the pickup in the back of the bridesmaid's dresses matched mine.

 My sisters...also my two Maids of Honor
 My colors were green and tropical red/orange
Walked down to "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge.

 Handed out roses to moms & grandmothers while "All I Ask of You" from Phantom of the Opera was sang by two fabulously talented friends.
 I loved the pickups in my dress!

 Exchanging rings...
 Petals were dropped from the balcony as we were introduced as Mr. & Mrs. Justin Meyers!
Haha...and there we go! (Justin was excited about the Hummer)

Tonight Justin is taking me to The Macaroni Grill, where he first proposed to me!