Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Barefoot And Beautiful


For those of you who are currently reading my blogs, I wanted to give you a heads up that I am changing things around here!  I've decided to give my blog a little face lift!  I wanted something that represents me and my personality.  I felt 'Barefoot And Beautiful' described my laid back, fun loving personality.  I also love being barefoot!  If shoes are not required, then I am not wearing them! I prefer weather where it is possible to always be barefoot!
The 'Beautiful' part of it reflects the beauty I strive for.  I seek to start each day with my Lord so that He can make me a more beautiful person inside.  I believe internal beauty is far more important than external beauty.  It can far outshine it, and draws others to you.  I believe it is God who makes us truly beautiful on the inside.
However, I do also enjoy externally beautiful things!  I love seeing the beauty in nature and in the things around me.  I love clothes, jewelry, makeup!  I don't think it is wrong to be drawn to those things. Why else would God have made flowers so brilliant in color, the sky so blue, the ocean so beautiful to watch?  We are naturally drawn to outward beauty.  I want to use this blog to share things that I find beautiful with others. I hope you enjoy!



  1. Have fun playing around with your blog! It is always a daunting project, but fun once you get into it. Can't wait to see the finished product! xox

  2. Though this is the first time I've visited your blog, I have to say, I am loving this incarnation - it so perfectly evokes the name.

    Andrea x

  3. Love the new name and the freshening up! I think the name fits perfectly!
