Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Spreading the Love: Liebster Award

Spread the love this holiday season!!

You can imagine how pleasantly surprised I was when Ashley from Rustic Living honored me with the Liebster award! This award recognizes up and coming bloggers. I feel quite honored by Ashley's thoughtfulness!

I’m also very excited to pass the award on to 5 more up and coming blogs!
I have thoroughly enjoyed following these lovely blogs, and I hope you will pay them a visit!

Feminine Unique New
Wholesome Fashion
Southern Inspired
lambe & blonde
Contemporary Harbor

If you have been awarded the coveted Liebster award, here’s what’s next:
1. Choose five up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. (Be sure to link back to the 5 blogs you awarded so that others can visit them.)

On another note...I've been thinking a lot about the holiday season. With all the stress of shopping for the right gifts, wondering if you missed anyone, wondering how much money your spending...It has made me realize something. I would be perfectly happy excluding gifts altogether!
My holiday passes in a whirlwind of having to shop in a crazed mall where everyone is out for themselves. I end up realizing it is a week till Christmas and I've barely enjoyed the Christmas season! What happened to focusing on the birth of Jesus, listening to Christmas music, baking cookies, driving around looking at lights, etc! I've been so caught up trying to get everything accomplished that I haven't been able to enjoy the spirit of it all!

This year I just want to give the gift of a smile...to make others smile...to do things for others that they can't help do anything else BUT smile! I am going to take a step back from all the chaos, take a deep breath, and find lots of little reasons to smile!

Gifts are nice...but knowing someone loves you and loves spending time with you is even better!
  Don't forget to spread the warmth and love of the holiday season.  Find a way this Christmas to make someone truly smile!


  1. Elle! Thank you!!!

    And p.s. These photos in this post are gorgeous! Beautiful choice and beautiful writing too...

  2. Thank you so much for awarding my blog, lamb & blonde, the Liebster award! I'm touched and honoured.

    Also, I totally feel the same about the holidays. Spending time with those you love is the best part about the holidays. That is the best gift of all.

  3. You are so sweet, thank you so so much!! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! Have a Happy, Happy New Year!! :)

  4. Thanks so much for awarding me this honor! I'll be sure to pay it forward to some fellow up and coming bloggers soon!
