Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How well do you know me?

Wow...100 posts!  You know when I started blogging I wasn't sure if it was my thing, and if I even really wanted to.  But somewhere along the way I fell in love with it.  I don't even care if anyone reads my posts (well that isn't entirely true...), but it is a great outlet for me to get out my thoughts.  Blogging motivates me to do the things I say I want to do or accomplish because they are now out there for anyone else to see!  I have to follow through!  I also love sharing things that inspire me...whether they are words, images, etc.  

"A-Z All About Me"

Thank you so much to those of you who have followed me, encouraged me, inspired me. Whether I know you personally or through the blog world your words mean a lot to me.

For those of you who don't know me personally I thought I would do a little A-Z "get to know me" list of things that I love, am inspired by, or silly little facts about me!  I hope you enjoy!

A: Artist at heart. I have no real training, but I have loved drawing/painting since I was a kid. One day I might actually show you some of my work!

B: Born in Santiago, Chile
Due to this fact I have I just need to find the money to travel there!

C: I'm a little Crazy...and I don't care if people know it!
D: Date - My favorite date was when Justin told me he was taking me out somewhere for dinner but wouldn't tell me where. He had secretly packed up our entire dinner, margaritas, blankets, and took me to eat dinner on the beach at sunset! We laid there looking at the stars and talking for hours! :)

E: Elephants.  I used to dream I would have a pet elephant.  I started collecting little elephant miniatures from different countries as a girl and now have elephants from all over the world! :)

F: Flowers. I am turning into my mom! The older I get the more I love flowers and gardening! (This does NOT mean I have a green thumb!)

G: Green.  How I love green! It can be so soothing. The color of new leaves, and baby grass growing at springtime, the color of a bamboo forest, or of Palm leaves! I love the green in nature!
H: Happiest Moment - Probably when Justin told me he loved me for the first time...I still remember the giddy butterfly feeling I had!
I: Interior Style - Anything Southern, Tropical, or Exotic!

On our honeymoon at Montego Bay, Jamaica!
J: Jamaica (That is where we honeymooned!)

K: Kiss. My most memorable kiss would be the first time Justin kissed me. I still remember how soft and sweet his lips felt! :)

L: Lemons.  How I love lemons! I put them on every kind of salad or vegetable. I eat them plain. Unfortunately I am paying the price for this little destroys your enammel. :(

M: Movie.  Moulin Rouge...but a VERY close second is Pride & Prejudice (BBC version).

N: Not afraid to voice my opinion! 
I think this can be a good and bad trait! Gets me into trouble sometimes. 

O: Ocean - Oh how I love it!  The smell...the sound...the view! I could sit on the beach all day (or patio, deck, balcony, or whatever else you might want to imagine), and enjoy taking the ocean in with all my senses! 

P: Perfume - (winter) Victoria Secret's Very Sexy, (summer) Georgio Armani's Acqua di Gioia

Q: Quiet moments.  I love to find a quite space (my patio, reading chair, hammock, etc) and take time to reflect, think, pray, read, or just listen to the wind and chimes in my back yard.  There is something so peaceful about finding these moments in my back yard. I relish these moments.

R: Read - Favorite read would have to be the Mark of the Lion Series by Francine Rivers
It is about a Jewish slave girl who stands up for her faith and gets thrown to the lions in the Roman arenas. An amazing series!

S: Song - Follow Love by FFH
I am starting to think this is my theme song for my life...I seem to move around a lot!   Check out the lyrics here!

T: Terrified of...Cockroaches!  Yuck! I am cringing just writing this!

U: Under the Sun...I love being under the sun, soaking up the rays, feeling the heat! I was born to live in the South!

V: Veggies!  I LOVE veggies! Spinach, Asparagus, Green name it! Yummmm!

W: Weakness - DQ Snickers Blizzards! :(

X: I am "x-ing" this question because I can't think of a single thing relevant to me that starts with an X! Haha

Y: Yearn to travel.
I would love to travel to Bali, Greece, and Australia one day.  I also really want to take a cruise to Chile, my birthplace.

Z: Zealous about my husband!
(That can be a good and bad thing...sometimes I allow it to get in the way of other important things, and take to much of my focus. But I am crazy about him!)

Well, hope I didn't completely bore you!  I would love to get to know you more too! Feel free to post a like or dislike of yours in the comments!

~ Elle


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I'm holding a $50 shopping spree giveaway contest! You can check it out with the link below.

    Shelby xoxo

  2. Super cute post, girl! I didn't know you were born there - how neat :)
    And Montego Bay...I want to go there one pretty!!
    Hope you keep on's to many more 100's! ox

    1. Thanks Cami!
      Yep, my parents were missionaries in Chile, but we moved back to the states when I was 4.
      I don't know if all of Montego Bay is this wonderful, or all Sandals Resorts. But the Montego Bay Sandals Resort was fabulous! The staff were AMAZING! We loved every minute of it!

  3. congrats girl! woot woot! and Y is me too- I love to traval- somehow I ahve been blessed to travel by plane every year and sometimes a few times a year- God has blessed me so I dont even have to pay for it sometimes.. crazy...
    I am your NEWEST FOLLOWER! I hope you can follow me back now too!
    god bless

  4. How come i didn't see Ireland in Yearn to travel!!!!
    Miss you heaps my friend xxx

