Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Emotions

Ok, so I thought I would be a lot tougher on Valentine's Day!  I thought Valentine's Day?  No problem!  I thought, no big deal...right?

My day started off bad to begin with. I had a miserable migraine all day.  I took the two girls I nanny to dance class, and all the moms were complaining about there husbands not getting them what they wanted, or not being romantic enough.  I didn't hear one comment that sounded loving and appreciative!

Everything was just making me emotional on top of the fact that I hadn't gotten a letter from Justin in a week.  I felt like we had lost all communication and I was feeling very down.  I prayed all morning that I would get a letter.  It was my only wish.
To get one love letter from him...

When I got home I went to check the mail I didn't see a letter right away and wanted to cry. Then I saw the letter tucked way in the middle, and I DID cry!  Tears of pure relief and overwhelming, unexplainable emotions!  

Then I continued to cry the whole way through the letter! It was a mixture of happy and sad tears.  It was dated 2/14/2012 to let me know he wrote it specifically for Valentine's Day.  It was the sweetest letter I've gotten from him so far.  It almost didn't sound like him.  Justin isn't a sappy kind of  guy, and while this letter was not super sappy, it was sincere, honest, and loving.  It was just what I needed at this moment in time. It addressed all my fears and concerns.  Reading Justin's thoughts made me realize he is going through just as much self reflection as I am.  I am not going to go into detail about everything he wrote in the letter, but he did thank me for always standing behind him, supporting him, and believing in him.  

I can't even explain how much I miss him right now. I feel like half of myself is missing.  This whole experience is an emotional roller coaster ride!  One moment I think I am doing great and the next I'm an emotional wreck! I'm never quite sure how I am going to handle each day!   Justin says I am strong, but I sure don't feel strong at the moment!

I hope my husband is feeling my love throughout all this.  I wish I could tell him in person. For those of you who can, take advantage of it!

 Take the time to tell the people you love how much they mean to you.  Don't take a single day for granted.  Don't hold back.  Don't let your pride or anger get in the way.  You never know when you stop getting chances to tell them!   You never know when "later" is "too late". 

I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day!

~ Elle~


  1. I'm so sorry you V day was so tough and emotional! Your story through these pictures is lovely! These next weeks will hopefully pass quickly! You're doing great, keep going! :) As Justin says...pace yourself.

  2. What a beautiful post, Elle. I can feel your heartache through it and am so sorry you are hurting. Treasure the words Justin wrote to you~how very very sweet they are. Continue to be strong, my friend! Happy Valentine's Day to you~Angie
