Thursday, July 18, 2013

A "Roaring" Good Time

A dear friend of mine had a birthday this month, and I felt the need to throw her a themed birthday party..but I needed a theme that suited her personality...
And so I decided upon the "Roaring 20's"!

It started off with a photo shoot to turn her into our very own celebrity flapper!

 Isn't she just the cat's meow?

Then I created a vintage celebrity photo board...

 I also made an art deco sign for the party...

 The drink table...complete with "Prohibition Punch"!



 I'd say all in all we had a "roaring" good time!

 Bloopers & Deleted scenes coming soon...!

~ Elle

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer Madness June really over? I don't even know where it went! 
I have been so busy with events, birthdays, company, remodeling, yard work, traveling, etc! 
Thankfully through all this madness I have had some wonderful time with some very sweet (and crazy) friends!
I've been enjoying some good friend time as my dear friend, Madelyn, came for a visit!

 I'll get some better photos up this month of all the fabulous events I've been throwing!
Now that Google Followers is gone I am trying to import all my favorite blogs into bloglovin. 
(I should have done this sooner to make it easier on myself, but summer plans have kept me pretty busy!) I would love for you to follow me through Bloglovin. If you are interested here is the link!