Monday, August 4, 2014

A Day of Gratitude - Part 2 & 3

So while I am resolving to be grateful day to day, I must also be honest.
I get so frustrated when Christians act like everything is perfect and heaven forbid we let anyone know things just aren't great in our lives!
Saturday (the 2nd) wasn't a great day for me. I didn't feel I could post what I was grateful for without feeling like a hypocrite. 
I was really fighting internally with knowing I SHOULD be grateful, but NOT feeling grateful!
I have to admit it was a struggle and I did a lot of praying. 

So today I would like to share TWO things with you to catch up with my "bad attitude" day!

Day 2 - My Husband
Justin and I got married at 21/23. People said we were to young. We needed more time to get to know each other.  I am so thankful we didn't listen to those people. 
We have had ups and downs like any marriage.
But what amazes me most is that God knew exactly what I needed and exactly what Justin needed.
I was not Justin's "type" and he was not my "type"...thank goodness our ideas of what we wanted did not work out!!  Justin is my opposite. He is carefree where I need structure and plans. He is silly when I am serious. He is filter-free where I over think everything I say! He doesn't worry what others say or think. He doesn't stress about the little things. He is spontaneous, and keeps me on my feet!
 I never know what life has in store with him around!! God uses him to throw ruts into my perfectly planned ideas. To keep me relying on God. I firmly believe God uses Justin to help me to learn to stop relying on my own plans and trust solely on God for my future.
Justin was only 21 when we got married, but he was a great husband. 
He was great at showing he loved me in his actions and the things he would do for me. 
He isn't one to be vocal about his feelings...and I am plenty ok with that. 
But he always had a way of DOING things for me that said it all.
I thank God for knowing what I needed, and not giving me what I THOUGHT I needed!

Day 3 - Stability
This might seem an odd thing to be thankful for. 
Let me explain what I mean by this. 
Many people early in their lives/marriage don't feel they have their jobs, marriage, finances, family, life, etc.
God has allowed both Justin and I to have stable jobs despite our lack of completed degrees (due to us getting married in college). He has allowed Justin success in his field. He has allowed us to have a nice home, beautiful things, good food, financially sound, supportive family, strong friends, etc. 
Many people don't have this. 
I don't want to take all these blessing for granted. I know it isn't just our abilities that have allowed this stability, but rather God has blessed us. 
I don't know that we deserve these blessings, but I am thankful God has showered us in them none the less!

So these are the things I am feeling grateful for today!

1 comment:

  1. Those are the most important things to be blessed with! And I am blessed to be a part of your lives! I love you both. We all have so much to be grateful for- great post!

