Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

I love a good masked costume party! Unfortunately, this year I was unable to host one like I wanted to!  :(  I just had to many other things going on. But at least I did have to have a Girl's Night earlier this year where we got to dress up as fairytale characters! It was so much fun! See the pictures here!
So I will just live through these fabulous masked photos this year!

What will you be doing this Halloween? Going to a costume party? Hanging out with friends?
So what are you dressing up as this year? Would love to see photos of your costume if you want to leave me a link!


As for me....I think I will just chill on the couch and watch a few good scary movies! I do love a good scare! Especially zombie movies! Call me crazy, but I even try to get my husband to watch them with me on date nights! (I realize I'm not normal and probably slightly insane!)  To be honest, I have had so much going on lately I will be thoroughly chilling in front of a scary movie while waiting for little goblins to come knocking on my door!

Have a Happy Halloween!


  1. Love the masks! Maybe next year we can have a big party! Happy Halloween!

  2. Happy Helloween, darling;)
